By Rutooro Everyday
Thu, 11-Apr-2019, 09:04


Welcome to Rutooro Everyday

About us

This is Rutooro Everyday website created by Rutooro Everyday.

A gateway to Tooro's culture and talents. Tooro kingdom is one of the many kingdoms in Uganda. Tooro stands out unique by its extraordinary beautiful flora, fauna, sceneries and people of great talents and humility.

Rutooro Everyday is an online tool for creating awareness through being a platform for enterprises, events organisers and talent holders in  line with tourism, culture tradition and  all related enterprises and individuals in Uganda.

You can contact us by email us on rutooroeveryday@hotmail, 

call our Director of Online marketing/Customer care on  +256*********9886 or use the Contact Form for more information.

This is great opportunity for all of us to have a link and a touch to what what defines us.

Thank you for making a choice to partner with us.

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Safety and Abuse Reporting

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Have a great day!

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