The people of Tooro, known as the Batooro, are a proud tribe of about two million humans. They enjoy a rich culture of oral tradition, tribal customs, indigenous handicrafts, patriotism, and very high self-esteem. These 10 things make Tooro people unique.
1. Batooro are beautiful, lovely, elegant and soft-spoken people. In fact, the tribal name, batooro, is rooted in the word "omutooro" which means "ceremony". Literally translated, batooro means "the ceremonious ones".
2. Each person from Tooro should have a special name of endearment, respect and praise, known as Empaako. The 12 empaako’s are purposely used when greeting.
3. A mutooro is not supposed to speak words or make any utterances that distort the mouth and make the person look undignified. Tooro people are dignified at all times.
4. Batoro (may God bless them!) are so sweet. Even when they are angry, they will express themselves in a comforting way of “caali”, which is equivalent to dear!
5. The clan system is what lays blood relationships in Tooro. It is taboo for a mutooro to marry someone from his/her clan or that of his/her mother's clan.
6. Every mutooro child born is automatically a member of the batooro tribe and the child takes his/her father's clan.
7. Every mutooro must have a Rutooro “last name” with a meaning that says something about the prevailing conditions or circumstances surrounding his/her birth.
8. Batooro male twins are named Isingoma and Kato- respectively, and the female twins Nyangoma and Nyakato with the Empaakos Amooti and Abooki respectively. The child that follows the twins is called Kiiza and Amooti for her/his empaako.
9. When a Mutooro meets another Mutooro, the first thing is to ask the other person’s Empaako, and then greet the person using this pet-name. Mere “Hello” isn’t allowed.
10. Unlike other tribes, the Batooro women are traditionally not known for pulling/ labia elongation.
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