By Rutooro Everyday
Sat, 30-Mar-2019, 11:50

Oburungi bwaawe nibwegombesa, Abandi nibazooka kundi, Oli wa...

Oburungi bwaawe nibwegombesa, Abandi nibazooka kundi, Oli wange nka kwetungira Ruhanga nukwo akategeka Baingi abandora munkuubo Oku Baitu busaho akwingana iwe Engeso otagamba Oli karaso oti Abantu mpurra nibagamba nti, Ndeke iwe nukwo ngende noha hati?? Mubaingi nkasiimamu iwe Omu,,,,,,, Oli wange eeeeeeh Kinu kizina kyengonzi by Ojay Patrick Owatakakihulire genda ha YouTube

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